I am self-professed Anglophile, and so I LOVE that Chris' family hails from Merry England! Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely proud of my G.R.I.T.S. heritage, but I really love trying to incorporate some of their family traditions into our own. Granny Owen's childhood friend, Vivien, is in town, staying with my in-laws. So, to celebrate, I thought I would try to make Owen some boiled eggs and toast fingers for breakfast yesterday, since that was Daddy's favorite breakfast as a little laddy (and we have really cute little egg cups). Sadly, I do not know how to "soft" boil an egg, so when I went to "gently tap" the top of the eggshell off, all I heard was "thud". So, I ended up having to hack the top off of the egg with a knife, yep....it was solid through and through. So, we had HARD boiled eggs and toast fingers instead. But they were yummy! Oh well!