Friday, April 17, 2009


Hello Friends!
Tonight I am writing to you for a *BIG,BIG,BIG* favor! I am one of seventeen finalists chosen to compete for a seat at Marmalade Photography's "See The Light" workshop in Chicago, June 13-14. Marmalade Photography is the business of Marianne Drenthe, an incredibly talented, successful and well-known children's photographer in Chicago. To view some of her work, visit her website: She offers photographers aspiring to grow their business and master their craft the chance to learn from her brilliance at her workshops ( The 1st round of this contest involved submitting a picture of ourselves and listing 3 unique things about us and why we should be chosen to win this opportunity. The second round involves spreading the word about our photography bizz, and having other photogs. vote for us!!! So, here's where I need your help! If you are a photographer (small, big, huge, large, etc.) please, please, please click on this link ( and vote for me!! Just click on my picture (the second one) and submit your vote. Only votes from photographers count, so make sure to link to your website, portfolio, flickr gallery, blog, etc. (you do not have to be a professional photographer!) In Marmalade's own words:
Here’s the rules for this leg of the contest:
click on the photograph of the person you want to vote for, your email will pop open and in the subject header the name of the person you vote for should be filled in
one entry per IP address
only photographers may vote - this requirement is outlined once you click on the image of the person you are voting for.
a portfolio link to prove your identity as a photog is a must have for the email you send as a vote!
contestants get out there & pimp yourselves!!
voting ends on Monday, April 20th at 12 noon
Even if you are not a photographer, please forward this to anyone and everyone you can think of to get the word out!! If I win, I will be giving away TWO FREE PORTRAIT SESSIONS!!!
Thank you so much for all of your continued support!!!
PS - I apologize if you receive this email more than once - in my desperation, I'm sending it out to everyone I know from every email account I have!!! :) :) :)