Thursday, July 30, 2009

This Kid

Cracks me up!
He is seriously funny! He's very animated and his vocabulary just blows my mind. Well, that and the fact that he says almost everything with this really funny accent - think loud, mouth pulled back, froggy sounding voice. He also loves to scream (well, I say scream, it's actually this incredibly loud, un-human sounding shreik/squeal) in the car, at home, at a restaurant, basically anywyere. When I call him out on it, he just laughs and laughs and laughs. Come to think of it, he spends a good deal of time laughing at me too. Hmmmm. Oh Mister, how I love you!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sassy Pants is Three.

Don't ask me how that happened, cause I can't tell you! My first ever blog post was right after Banana's first birthday. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by! Hannah is such a beautiful, sweet, funny and loving child, I am so very proud that she's my neice :) I love her so much! Even if she thinks she's too old to pose for me anymore, hehe. Here are some pics from her princess party last month.