Well, it happened. My BABY boy turned one yesterday! Chris and I were marveling tonight at how much he seems to have changed over the last month. He has started walking, talking, he's gotten 4 new teeth, is eating all table food now and is starting Mother's Day Out this week. While a part of me feels sad that he's no longer such a tiny baby, I mostly feel overjoyed at what an amazing little boy he is becoming. He is a WILD CHILD! He is so full of energy and and joy that you can't help but smile every time you look at him and laugh when he's being Mr. Mischief. At the same time though, he is such a loveable child, always giving hugs and kisses, even to the dog and his stuffed animals. I feel so blessed to have two such amazing children!! We had Owen's birthday party on Saturday and he had a BALL! He had so much fun with the other babies, he genuinely seemed to know that the party was for him and he relished being the center of attention. Although he wasn't a big fan of the smash cake, his face lit up like a light bulb when we all sang "Happy Birthday" to him. In fact, he liked it so much, we sang it to him twice!! He got some very lovely gifts from all of his friends and we are so grateful that they all were able to come to his party despite all the rain. Here are some pictures from the big day!
Special birthday outfit
The theme of his party was "Under the Big Top"
"Aunt" Jessica and "Uncle" Damon
Cousin Hannah
Pretty Ella
"Aunt" Nikki and "Aunt" Christy
The Birthday Boy!
Lily and her Daddy
Owen with Tutu
Now, what is going on here??
All smiles when we sang "Happy Birthday!"
But what exactly am I supposed to do with this??