Here are some more pictures from Christmas Eve and Christmas morning/afternoon/night. The boys really enjoyed opening their presents! Jack got a basketball hoop from Santa and has been out back shooting hoops every day since Christmas! Owen got lots of fun little toys and is very interested in all of them. We had a great day! (These are in reverse order - sorry!)
A big day for Owen - his first Christmas!

Santa Papa and Santa Baby

Owen's big toy - his big boy super saucer

Daddy and Owen

My Santa Baby!

Hannah Banana in her Tutu from her favorite Aunt Sissy :)

Jack and his presents from Tutu and Papa - golf clubs!

After Santa came

Jack and Bama trying to wake Chris up so we can open presents!

Bama gets a special treat too!

You think Jack likes his basketball hoop from Santa?

My sweet boys having fun

Jack and Hannah think they hear sleigh bells!

Mr. too cool for school

Milk and cookies for Santa

Tutu and Papa and all the grandchildren (making such lovely faces)

Our grown-up tradition: champagne at midnight on Christmas Eve!