Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween 2007

What a great night! We went to a huge block party in our neighborhood that was lots of fun! Jack went dressed as a gangster, tommy gun and all. He insisted I paint a goatee on his face - I guess that's his impression of what a gangster is "supposed" to look like. He thoroughly enjoyed himself, he ran around so much we hardly saw him. He got TONS of candy that I am having a really hard time staying away from today! Owen enjoyed his first official holiday as well. He went dressed as a monkey, although many people mistook him for a bear (hello...check out the tail). Either way, he was the CUTEST kiddo there! Besides Jack of course ;)
Look how red Jack's face is!
Jack's pumpkin "Harvey"
Happy Halloween!!
My little monkey
Jack the gangster
Posing with "Harvey"
Taking it all in

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My Sunshine Boy!

Owen and I have been enjoying some outdoor playtime! He loves to watch the wind blow through the leaves in the trees. He will just smile and coo, it's such a sweet sound! Some of these were taken in our backyard, on the playquilt that was mine when I was a baby! The others were in Central Park (on Park Ave.) during the car show. He is wearing a little daygown that was my little brother Marshall's when he was a baby. The pouty face is from when someone revved their engine really loud and it scared poor Owen. His face is just priceless!
The world from Owen's point of view

2 months old and SO handsome!

Hanging out with his Daddy

Look at that face!My sweet sunny boy "talking" to the trees