Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Mr. Mishchief

Well, the title to this post prettty much says it all. As Owen cruises towards his first birthday (can't believe it!) he is literally into everything! He is all over the house exploring things and places and making me chase him around like a mad woman! We have so much fun watching him discover the world around him and he makes us laugh every day! Here are some pics from his latest adventures :)
Some of these are a little blurry since he's always on the go!

he loves to climb into boxes!

Avocadoes are great,Mommy!
Even Bama likes them!
Daddy, take me with you!!
He loves to get in Bama's crate and bang on the floor

You don't really need this, do you Mommy?
"Helping" me unload the dishwasher

Sunday, July 6, 2008

We joyfully announce the birth of.....

our two new blog "babies"! I've decided to start a new blog, dedicated solely to my photography endeavors.....


Jack has started his very own blog:

Winter Garden

Yet another photography post ;) Our class took a field trip to downtown Winter Garden and Trailer City last weekend. In my 23 years as an Orlando resident, I had no clue that this little gem of a town even existed!! It is such a charming little area, it reminds me of Mayberry with it's shops and restaurants, much like I imagine downtown WP was waaaaay back in the day. In fact, I liked it SO much, I made Chris venture out there again this weekend so we could go to the Farmer's Market and explore all the places I didn't have a chance to before. Here are some of my photos from the assignment:
PS - landscape photos are not really my "thing", so bear with me while I learn the ropes!