**WARNING** This is a super, duper long post! If you are short on time, or don't think my husband is as awesome as I do, you can just scroll down for the pics :)
31 years ago today, my dear husband was born :) We were talking about this last night (not to go off on a tangent, but every year on my birthday, my mom calls me and says "xx years ago today, I was giving birth to a beautiful baby girl!", so I always jokingly do that with my kids, the husband, etc.) anyways, I was expressing how neat it was to think that 31 years ago, my mother-in-law was giving birth to MY husband. It's crazy to think that the wheels were put into motion so long ago and that our own beautiful children are here because of that wonderful day :) Not to brag, but I think that I have THE most wonderful husband in the whole world (not saying he's perfect, but he puts up with me, which says A LOT). I feel so blessed that I have been able to spend the last 6.5 years of my life with him (5 of those as his wife) and that I get to wake up to him every morning (well, except when he's out of town, which is quite often). I hope he doesn't mind me sharing this, but the card I got for him so perfectly sums up how I feel about Chris. It says "It gets me every time. Seeing you with the kids. Watching you around the house. Feeling your kiss on my cheek. I've got a heart full of these little everyday moments that remind me I'm married to a man who's anything but ordinary. Only you can make being dependable look sexy and tenderness feel like incredible strenght. I love that you're my husband, my partner and my friend. I love that you're you." A little cheesy, yes. But it's SO him. So, as a tribute to my beloved spouse, I thought I would post some pics of us/him through the years and list the top 31 reasons why I love him so. Happy, Happy Birthday Honey - we love you SO much and are so thankful for you. Hurry home so we can celebrate!!
31 things I love about Chris:
1. He is really funny. Like make-me-pee-in-my-pants funny. Though granted, most of the time I am either the butt or the recipient of the joke, he's still pretty dang funny!
2. He gives Owen a bath and does pajama duty nearly every single night so that I can have a break.
3. He is the smartest person I know. He laughs when I tell him that and when I brag to people that he was invited to be in MENSA in high school. But he is genius-smart.
4. He says he "doesn't even notice" when the house is a mess :)
5. He works really, really, really hard and long hours to provide for our family.
6. He is 100% supportive of my dreams and my business and gives me honest feedback and genuine praise.
7. He has great hair. I hope all our kids get his hair!
8. I think I can count on 1 hand the number of times he has ever raised his voice to me (and um, I can pretty honestly say I probably provoked it, hehe)
9. He hardly ever complains about anything.
10. He puts up with all of my whining and complaining :)
11. He had Jack take vows with us when we got married.
12. He will watch my silly girly/reality TV shows with me and actually get into them (I'm pretty sure he can tell you the difference between Blair Waldorf, Marissa Cooper and Brooke Davis)
13. He pushes me to be a better person and think more deeply.
14. He is a great teacher - he can even make physics sound interesting.
15. He bought me a puppy when I lost a pregnancy 3 years ago.
16. He wants to have a house full of crazy cute little kids!
17. He has the BEST mother in the whole world (besides mine, of course)
18. He never says no when I tell him I need a girl's night out, or to go for a drive to be alone and clear my head.
19. He has the theme songs for Mighty Machines, Bob the Builder and Caillou all memorized and can sing them to Owen verbatim.
20. He can spend an entire day playing Legos with Jack.
21. He has the most amazing blue eyes :)
22. He bought me my first "real" camera.
23. He thinks my airhead moments are cute (I'll have to tell you all the "Wafrica" story another time)
24. He can fix a computer/TV/thingamijiggy like nobody's business.
25. He always gives people the benefit of the doubt.
26. I can trust him completely, 100%.
27. He coached me through natural childbirth and was my biggest cheerleader.
28. He values my opinions, even when I sometimes feel like no one else does.
29. He sold his rowing machine to pay for our first date :)
30. He makes me feel beautiful, valued and appreciated.
31. He is a wonderful husband, father, friend, brother, and person!
PS - please forgive the picture quality (some of the older ones had to be scanned in)