That is Bama's "full name" aka - the name on his AKC registration. Oh, this dog, this dog, this dog. I really LOVE Bama, he is such a big, brown, drooly, loveable lump of sugar.

His very favorite thing to do is play "ball" in the back yard:

This - is "ball". Quite nasty.

He looked like a little chocolate kiss, so small and snuggly. And sadly, just what I needed after losing a pregnancy. Bama was there for me to love on and take care of, I had to wake up with him in the middle of the night, clean up his poop - he definitely helped fill the void I was feeling :) That's why he is so much more than just a dog to me, well our whole family really. We love him like a true member of our family, not just a pet. Now, don't get me wrong, his butt goes straight to his crate when he takes a big ole dump on my sisal rug (like this MORNING!!) but I wouldn't trade him for ANYTHING. He protects my babies (he used to sit outside Owen's door when he was first born) and me - for such a gentle giant, he packs a MEAN bark - I'm sure our mailman thinks we have a 200 lb. Rottweiler :) He's a playmate for Owen and Jack who's always ready to play, can take any amount of hitting, ear pulling, eye poking, etc. and a companion for me - he somehow always knows when I'm feeling down and comes and loves on me. He's a big dog, with a big heart (even though he convinced himself long ago that he's a tiny 100 lb. lap dog) who was and is the BEST Valentine's Day gift EVER!