OK, so maybe I'm a little psycho obsessed with Where The Wild Things Are...... This was one of my favorite books a child and I'm so happy that O&J now love it too. Nothing cuter than hearing Owen say "I lub ya so.... I'll EAT YA UP!" :-) I've always had somewhat of a wild imagination....I actually had 2 imaginary friends growing up, Jennifer and Allison (I could tell you exactly what they looked like and how they acted to this day!) and, at the risk of everyone thinking I'm a little nutso, I definitely still live in somewhat of a tilted reality now. I think maybe I just see things a little differently than most people. That's probably one big reason why I love photography so much! in a world full of mundane moments, and difficult moments and heart wrenching crap that we all have to go through, I get to create a sort of fantasy-land where everything is magical and golden and blissful and OK. I know that is a little cheesy and weird, so .... sorry :-) Also, I've come to the conclusion that I was just not created for a desk job. My heart literally sings when I get the shot I'm after (here I go with the cheese again.) Anyways, I am super excited to go see the Wild Things movie this weekend. It will be O's first "real" movie-going experience, and I'm honestly not quite sure how he'll deal, which is why Chris and I are tag-teaming so at least one of us (+ Jack) will get to enjoy the movie. I'm such a sap,
the movie trailer made me teary eyed. Oh! and Owen is going to be Max for Halloween :-) I'm just waiting for my Etsy lady to finish his costume and I'll post some pics. I desperately tried talking Jack into being one of the wild things, but he is insisting on being a bounty hunter (??!!) instead. Maybe Chris and I will rock these
grown up Wild Things costumes (hehe, yah right!) I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who's embracing their inner Wild Thing this weekend - check out
all this cool stuff from UO!