My father-in-law's 75th birthday is tomorrow and (as I mentioned in my previous post) Granny's friend Vivien is also in town for a visit. SO, I thought it would be nice for Owen to make them some little gifts (and crack open that finger paint Daddy bought!). As my fellow Floridians know, we've been having somewhat of a cool snap lately, so my original plan to let him paint in the buff was nixed (but how cute would that have been????) Instead I let him wear one of Jack's old tie-dyed t-shirts as a smock. He looked so cute, with his wild hair, paint on his face....he reminded me of one of the Lost Boys from Peter Pan (with whom ALL of my parents' grandchildren are currently obsessed!). Anyways, Owen wasn't thrilled with the paint at first, but I managed to get two or three pieces of "art" out of him before he realized that squishing the paint in his hands was just way more fun. The finger paint (Crayola brand) was really wierd, it was kind of a jelly-like consistency and not super easy to paint with. This is my second attempt at finger painting with Oboe and I just can't seem to find any that is just right. Any suggestions? Well, I leave you with some cute pictures of my little artist:
1 comment:
Look at you! Posting away! Keep it up!! :) And as always, such precious pics. I agree, that paint is weird. Nothing like we had growing up...
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