Thursday, June 25, 2009

Whoa Life, Slow Down!

Geez, I have had the craziest past couple of weeks (and it's still going!). I just got back from Chicago, where I had the MOST amazing time. More details to come (with pics, I promise), but it was definitely a weekend full of enlightenment (Marmalade Mentorship), Fun and EATING. This weekend is also a biggie for us. Tomorrow is our 5 year anniversary (can't believe it), Saturday is my 29th 25th birthday :) And then Sunday, my beautiful, precious neice is turning 3 years old. Lots of fun planned.....LOTS! Anywho, without further ado.....
The winner of the thriftbooks giveaway is (drumroll):
Mama Cobb, who said:
"Sooo am I aloud to enter? :) I'm just getting back into books and like you I'm terrible at returning them. Just paid a $20 fine to the library! Eek!"
LOL, yes Ms. Cobb, you are allowed to enter and Wi-hin! Congrats Mama - I'll email ya with the deets.
Now, for a super, duper fantashtic and fun giveaway!

This week, I am giving away a Chic Camera Strap Slipcover from one of my new fave Etsy Sellers, Heather!

These slipcovers are a total upgrade from the boring ole regular strap that comes with your camera. Not only are they totally stylish, but comfy as well. Each strap cover is padded and comes with a lens cap pocket - genius!
Check out her Etsy Shop by clicking here, as she has lots more designs to choose from. To enter to win this giveaway, leave a comment below. Winner will be annouced one week from today. Happy Early Weekend, hope it's a fun one!


Mama Cobb said...

woohoo!! :) glad i entered! :) and a very happy anniversary and birthday to you! i'm SO buying you lunch on monday!! ;)

never said...

I am entering, because that strappy is so beautiful!!! Lens pockets, what a great idea!!!

Liz Morse said...

Love the camera strap!!! Also, love your pics.

Brittney Mayfield said...

Love the camera straps. Just got a great camera for Christmas (not that talented with it though!) and was asking for a camera strap for my bday next month!! Happy anniversary and early bday Sarah!! I sent you an email earlier today. I know you are super swamped, but let me know if you didn't receiv it. xoxo

Jessica said...

This is such a wonderful little item! It may have to go on my xmas wish list if my luck isn't with me : )