Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Baby Cayden

Ahhh, I got my fill of tiny, cuddly, newborn-baby sweetness last week! Chris' neice, Alycia, gave birth to her baby boy, Cayden Lee, on Thursday, 9/11. I have a great deal of respect and fondness for Alycia (and Cayden) because she is only 17. Having once been a teen-age mommy myself, I know not only the many challenges she will face, but also those amazing, sweet moments that are beyond anything else I believe we can experience in this world. Cayden is a beatiful and precious baby and Alycia and Bobby are doting parents, totally in love with him! I had the privelage of visiting them in the hospital the day after he was born and taking some photos. Gosh, it seems like just yesterday, my little boy was that tiny and now he's a big one-year-old. You know what that means.....time to start trying for #3?! :) Congratulations to Bobby and Alycia on the birth of their beautiful baby boy!

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